October 15, 2014

Classic B&W

As I was going through all my fabric boxes and pulling out what I would be using for this years show, I realized that I definitely stick to what I like!

So in order to start branching out of my creative comfort zone, I decided to use up what was left of my favorite fabrics and make one last round of cushions with them. 

Next year, I need to make something different, perhaps use more of the green fabric I have or learn how to do different types of patch work! Maybe sketching my designs would be a good idea...! 

Can't go wrong with Classic B&W


October 8, 2014

2014 Crafting Season

As usual, it's been a while since I've posted anything...I thought I would be more on top of this whole blogging thing, but alas, I'm not great at it!

I did want to let you all know however that I will be participating in two great local craft shows this year in November. I'm hoping to have some new merchandise to sell and hope to be expanding our line in the next few years to offer more custom crafty home decor goods!!!

Follow the links for more information and I hope to see you there:)

xoxo. Munia

